Here's a lovely card made by a kid who had a store in the Maker's markert by the Texas capitol building in December on the day of the christmas tree lighting. It was so rainy and cold. All these wonderful booths were filled with kiddos who made their own goodies to sell. They all kept telling me how cold they were and how they had been outside ALL DAY. among the things I got for them was cards from a couple of different vendors. This vendor was Adelaide who made the cutest cards to sell.
I love her drawing of the Capitol of Texas. Great job, just wait until you see the other creations I got from her. (Posted with her permission)
Check out my shop on Etsy and grab some great lace and lace embellishments:
what a lovely card karin
Very nice!
Adelaide created a beautiful card congratulations and thanks to your generous heart her creativity is shared. a hug Taty
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