Monday, April 29, 2024

Coffee Person

Happy Monday everyone!  This is the last couple of days of April.  Woo Hoo.  Just 24 days until Turkiye now.  Thought we would start out the week with a little coffee theme card... It says, "I just realized I'm not a morning person. I'm a coffee person."  Here's a really weird thing, I don't often care for American coffee nor do i drink coffee day to day at home.  I do however love coffee in Turkiye and enjoy it there!

Check out my wonderful Etsy store.   I sell precut lace in wonderful packs so you get 20 or 40 pieces all different in a wide array of colors, beautiful embellishments, or Lace Menagerie which is 6 yard assortments!  You can find the store here:


Taty said...

beautiful card you used 2 perfect colors for the theme we need a good coffee to start the week. Happy Monday, a hug Taty

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Happy Monday Holley!
I never tasted American coffee neither Turkish, I only know Italian Espresso and absolutely LOVE it. I need two strong coffee to start the morning!
Beautiful card!

Gaye said...

Great card on this coffee Monday morning!